James Cauty has made a pot for us, which will be placed in a “le four” wall cabinet. 

Although all our houses in Mavaleix are more or less finished, and even being rented already, they will never really be complete. It is actually not so much fun if something is finished, because it is then complete.

For instance, I would still love to make a garage, bridge, cable car, tennis court, hut and much more. In short: there is still plenty to do. What brings change, alongside construction problems and other plans, are the artists that make pieces for this place. 
As such, James Cauty has made a pot for us, which will be placed in a “le four” wall cabinet. The apocalyptic urban unrest, captured in a giant pot, lands safely within the nature of Mavaleix. In a few weeks we will take the piece “Riots in a jam jar” by Cauty, which is dripping with both the humour and the grimness of the underlying tensions in London, to give it a permanent place within the French countryside.
 forrás: sajtóközlemény


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